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Moving Out – The Right Way

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Did you just get your first job? Are you now eager to leave your parent’s house after decades of living with them? Are you jumping for joy at the thought of living on your own for the first time in your life? Hold onto your horses, there are a number of steps you have to think about before you can start packing your bags. You have to ponder important moving components like finances all the way to the best logistics services in Malaysia

Let’s take a look at the basics to prepare you for your first step into adulthood.

Make sure you have a stable income

This is a no-brainer. Without a steady job providing you with an income every month, paying your rent will become a stressful chore. Be sure to only start entertaining thoughts of moving out once you are well and truly employed!

Time to calculate

Once you have a job, it’s time to calculate how much of your income should go to rent. The general rule of thumb is: never spend more than 30% of your salary on lodgings. Take into account other expenses such as water and electricity bills, car park services (if you don’t drive then expenses for commuting) and monthly groceries.

Research locations

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Ideally, everyone would like to live near their workplace. Do your research and try to find rooms or apartments for rent within walking or easy commuting near your office. Be sure to only look at places within your budget! However, if there are no such vacancies within your means, then you have two options to choose from:

If you’re determined to live near your workplace but can’t afford to pay the rent alone, you might need to find someone to split the bills with. With more than one person bearing the cost, you would even be able to afford better lodgings. 

  • Find somewhere else to live

If you don’t have anyone to room with or if you’d prefer to live alone, you can look for a place to stay in a different area. Make sure that the new location isn’t too far away from where your office is located. Additionally, try and scout the area first so you can guarantee that it’s easy to get to work from where you plan on staying. 

Scout the place

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In a similar vein, never pass on visiting your new abode before signing any agreements. Pictures can be deceiving. Some landlords could be selling you something other than what you had in mind so it never hurts to make sure. Don’t forget to also go sight-seeing; explore everything in the area. Take note of important places like the closest laundrette, barber shop, convenience stores, restaurants, etc. This is where you plan on living so make sure you know everything there is to know about the area.

Once you’ve done all of the above, congratulations, you’re finally ready to start a life of your own! Simply hire the best logistics services in malaysia to help you move and Bob’s your uncle!