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The Art of Storytelling in Quranic Parables

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Beli Al-quran Terjemahan Bahasa Melayu– The Quran, the holy book of Islam, contains many parables or stories that are meant to convey moral lessons to its readers. These parables use various literary devices such as metaphors, similes, personification, and imagery to make the message more impactful and memorable. In this article, we will explore the literary analysis of Quranic parables and the poetic and rhetorical devices used to convey moral lessons.

What are Quranic Parables?

Quranic parables are stories or narratives that are told in the Quran to illustrate a moral or spiritual lesson. These parables are also known as “amthal” in Arabic, which means examples or similes. The Quranic parables are not only meant to convey a message but also to inspire readers to reflect on their lives and make positive changes.

How are Poetic and Rhetorical Devices Used in Quranic Parables?

Poetic and rhetorical devices are used in Quranic parables to create vivid images in the minds of readers and make the message more impactful. The use of metaphors, similes, personification, and imagery can be seen in many Quranic parables. For example, in the parable of the spider (29:41), Allah compares the fragility of a spider’s web to the weakness of those who worship false gods. This metaphor makes the message more memorable and easy to understand.

The parable of the fig tree (95:1-5) is another example of the use of poetic devices. In this parable, Allah compares the growth of a fig tree to the spiritual growth of a believer. The use of imagery in this parable creates a vivid picture of the process of spiritual growth and inspires readers to reflect on their own spiritual journey.

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Advantages of Literary Analysis of Quranic Parables

The literary analysis of Quranic parables provides readers with a deeper understanding of the messages and moral lessons conveyed in the Quran. By exploring the use of poetic and rhetorical devices in these parables, readers can appreciate the art of storytelling in the Quran and the wisdom behind it.

Moreover, the literary analysis of Quranic parables can also help readers apply the lessons learned in their daily lives. By reflecting on the stories and messages in the Quran, readers can gain insights into how to live a more fulfilling and meaningful life.


In conclusion, the Quranic parables are an essential part of the Quran’s message, and their literary analysis provides valuable insights into the art of storytelling and the wisdom behind it. By exploring the use of poetic and rhetorical devices in these parables, readers can deepen their understanding of the messages and moral lessons conveyed in the Quran. Moreover, the literary analysis of Quranic parables can inspire readers to reflect on their own lives and make positive changes, leading to a more fulfilling and meaningful life.